Rev. Timothy M. Middleton

Greetings and WELCOME to East Randolph Methodist Church!!

We are delighted you stopped by our webpage. I am Pastor Tim and I want to give you a personal welcome. I live by the F.R.O.G. principle. ALWAYS Fully Rely On God! It is always my desire to bring the heart of Jesus into His church and the heart of His church to the heart of our community. Those who know me and the parishioners at the churches where I have served all agree – I’m not normal!

East Randolph is a Bible believing, family oriented gathering of people who only wish to let you know you are LOVED! It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, what your economic statue is, or where you are in your journey through this life. Whoever you are, you are LOVED! Loved by us, loved by God and loved by Jesus.

Our Sunday morning worship service reflects both the richness of our Methodist tradition and our desire to be open to the Holy Spirit. We strive for the "warmth and dignity" John Wesley thought essential to worship.

We seek to blend traditional and contemporary worship forms so that people of all backgrounds and generations can experience the presence and power of God in their lives.

Our worship service is designed so all ages feel welcome and part of our service. Youth and children have an important place in our family worship services. A children's message is offered each week. Youth may regularly contribute to worship services and events.


So come, be a part of the family. We want you to know this is a place of welcome, worship and family!